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Mission Statement

In Our Lady Queen of Peace Nursery and Primary School, guided by the loving example of Mary, Our Mother, we provide a safe, happy, caring environment.

We Cherish the uniqueness of every child, encouraging and supporting them to fulfill their potential and become lifelong learners.

We value and nurture the well-being of everyone in our school community and celebrate the diversity and achievements of all.


In our loving Catholic ethos we aim,

  • To promote the spiritual, moral, cultural, intellectual and physical development of our pupils.

  • To give each pupil an awareness of his/her talents, skills and abilities.

  • To provide opportunities for pupils to achieve success in a variety of contexts, promoting positive self-esteem and self-image.

  • To create a love of learning, a knowledge of how to learn, and the motivation to produce his/her best work.

  • To provide a broad and balanced curriculum appropriate to the needs of each pupil at his/her stage of development.

  • To develop an attitude which leads to self-discipline, independence, courtesy, good manners and respect for everyone.

  • To develop a wider understanding of the wider world in which we live, of the interdependence of individuals, groups and nations, and a tolerance of other religions and ways of life.

  • To foster and develop close relationships between home, school and community.


1 Cherry Road

Upper Dunmurry Lane



BT17 0RW

School Hours

Start: 9.00am

Lunch: 12.15pm-1.00pm (year 1-3) / 12.40pm - 1.25pm (year 4-7)

Home Time: 2.00pm (year 1-3) / 3.00pm (year 4-7)


T: 02890613050

F: 02890620440

Nursery No: 02890 617367

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